How are Tattoos Made, and What are the Risks of Getting Inked

How are Tattoos Made, and What are the Risks of Getting Inked

How are Tattoos Made, and What are the Risks of Getting Inked

Known as a form of body modification by the insertion of ink, pigments or even dyes into the dermis layer of the skin,the process is known as tattooing. There are mainly three categories of tattoos— decorative, symbolic and pictorial. Since ages, tattoos have been considered ‘uncivilized’ even though they have been associated with fashion for about 100 years.


The word ‘tattoo’ is derived from a Polynesian word ‘tatau’ which means ‘to write.’ Before the 18th century, tattoo making was described as painting, staining or scarring. The first reference to a tattoo was given in the journal by Joseph Banks (1743- 1820).


Many people who get a tattoo may refer to it as “ink”, “skin art”, “tattoo art”, “tats” or with many such names. The creators of a tattoo are known as “tattoo artists” and places where it is made are known as “tattoo studios”, tattoo parlors” or “tattoo shops.”


Tattoos are made with the help of a mechanized needle which punctures the skin to inject the ink in the dermis and upper dermis. As this process damages the skin, the human body responds with the help of white blood cells which absorb the foreign particles to dispose of them in the blood stream. The pigment tends to stay at the point of injection of the ink as the particle is too large for the white blood cell to completely absorb it.


This art of getting “inked” has many risks attached to it, like allergies, because some of the tattoo dyes, such as red, green, blue, tend to cause allergic reactions on the site of the tattoo even years after one gets it done. There could be infections and other skin problems as there is a slight chance of getting a skin infection after getting a tattoo. There may even be bumps known as granulomas near the tattoo. This trend has also known to lead to keloids. When the needle which is used to make a tattoo has infected blood, it tends to cause diseases like tetanus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.


The process of removing tattoos has been evolving from many years now. Since the past few years, the best ways known to man for removal of tattoo is through quality-switched, lasers and Q-switched.




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