7 Health Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

Health Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

7 Health Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

A whole grain can be defined as a grain particle of any cereal or pseudo cereal which contains bran, germ and endosperm. Whole grains are known to be rich in carbohydrates, nutrients and dietary fiber which help in fighting many diseases. There are various other health benefits of eating whole grains which are listed below.

Helps in Digestion

Whole grain contains dietary fiber in a large amount. Therefore, it helps to fight problems like diverticulosis which creates pouches in the colon wall that results in inflammation, diarrhoea, pain and constipation. The fiber present in whole grain is therefore, known to have many benefits but the lactic acid in it also helps to increase good bacteria in the large intestine and helps in absorbing nutrients and aiding digestion.

Helps In Lowering Blood Pressure

Whole grain is not only known to cure cholesterol and triglycerides but also lowers blood pressure. It has been proved through research that people who eat whole grain cereal breakfast have a lower risk of hypertension than people who do not have whole grain breakfast.

Whole Grains Lowers Blood Pressure
Whole Grains Lowers Blood Pressure


Rich in Vitamin C

A whole grain known as amaranth, found mainly in Mexico and Peru, contains a good amount of vitamin C and other vitamins, minerals and protein. This helps to keep a person full for a longer period of time.

Controls Weight

According to studies, it has been found that eating whole grain helps to keep the weight in check and there are very less chances of weight gain.

Read: 9 Tips to reduce weight without Exercise

Women who eat more of wheat germ, dark bread, popcorn and brown rice tend to keep their weight low compared to the women who eat white bread or doughnuts.

Whole Grains helps in controlling weight

Reduce the Risk of Asthma

According to a Dutch report by Delbridge, having an overall healthy diet with more of whole grain, fruits and less of meat and refined foods reduces asthmatic wheezing. It has also been seen that the infants who are fed oats are less likely to get asthma.

Protect Teeth and Gums

It has been proved through a study that people who eat whole grain have less chances of having gum diseases than the people who do not consume whole grain. Gum diseases are known to be linked with inflammation and other problems like heart disease.

Whole Grains keeps your teeth strong

Regulates Blood Sugar

One main benefit of whole grain is that it helps to keep the blood glucose from increasing. It has also been proven to reduce type 2 diabetes. According to a study, there is about 32% lower risk of having diabetes if one consumes about 3 or more servings of whole grain.


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