What is the International Day for Street Children?
With an aim to give the street children a voice, the International Day for Street children is observed on 12th April every year. There has never been a clear cut definition of a street child even after a number of debates on the same. There are about millions of street children around the world. The only thing which has been proved since ages is the vulnerability of these children, the higher risk of sexual abuse, exploitation, substance abuse and deprivation.
After the meeting held by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the countries reached to a conclusion on the situation of the street children. The main aims decided were— to listen to the problems of these children, introduce various approaches for their integration.
The important aspect of the human rights agenda is to protect the children all around the world from social, political and economic mess. During the process of policy making, the most ignored section of the society is that of the street children. There are less or no policies of the governments for the street children.
The main reason for observing International Day for Street Children is to create awareness among the governments and the people in the world about the living conditions and the situations of these children.

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