7 Amazing Benefits of Acupuncture

Benefits of Acupuncture

7 Amazing Benefits of Acupuncture

There are various types of therapies found across the world one can go through. Acupuncture is one therapy which is an alternative medicine. Acupuncture requires thin needles which are inserted in the body of the person. There are many benefits that this therapy has which are listed under.


Reduces Migraines and Headaches


Acupuncture has one major benefit of reducing pain and frequency level of headaches and migraines. It has been proven that acupuncture has a very low chance of side effects compared to the medicines of migraine.


Reduces Insomnia


Studies have shown that acupuncture increases the production of nocturnal melatonin which helps in inducing sleep, thereby, reducing insomnia. The results can be seen within five weeks.


Helps Treat Arthritis


Through various studies done by researchers, it has been proved that acupuncture not only reduces headaches, neck pains and migraines but also arthritis.


Reduces Anxiety


The relationship of acupuncture and anxiety has not been clearly established but the results have been incredible. It has been proven through many trials that acupuncture treats anxiety and there is no need for medicines. There are no side effects seen.


Reduces Heartburns and Indigestion


Through regular sessions of acupuncture, one can reduce heartburns and indigestion which has become too common these days. A test on pregnant women was carried out and proved that acupuncture has benefits in this area.


Improves Cancer Recovery


Since many years, chemotherapy has been the only solution to treat cancer. Even though it has been successful in doing so, it has many side effects like hair loss, vomiting, nausea and many more. One of the benefits of acupuncture has been that it reduces nausea and vomiting.


Reduces Chronic Pain


This the most common use of acupuncture. It focuses mainly on chronic back pain caused by physical activity, sleeping disorder, injuries from the past and many more problems.

Featured Image Credit: thealternativedaily.com


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