7 places of interest in Brazil
Brazil is officially known as the Federative Republic of Brazil. It is the largest country in both South America and Latin America, and is the world’s fifth largest country by area and sixth by its population. Its capital is Brasilia and the largest city is Sao Paulo. Portuguese is the official language that is spoken there. Following are 7 places that one should visit in Brazil.
Sugar Loaf
Sugar Loaf is located in Rio de Janeiro, rising 394 meters above the beaches and city. It is one place where you can view Rio and Harbor.
Cristo Redentor
It is located in Rio de Janeiro. The colossal Art Deco statue of Christ called Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) with arms outstretched for 28 meters is 709 meters tall.
This is a massive and the most popular carnival of Rio de Janeiro. This is one event one must attend when in Brazil. It hosts a huge parade with different themes, music, and costumes with street parties. Samba is the most popular dance of this parade.
Iguaçu Falls
The river Iguaçu drops where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina meet. It falls in a semicircle. There are 247 waterfalls together and some of the falls are more than 100meters high.
Amazon Rain Forest
Amazon is distributed between many countries due to its vast area and one of them is Brazil. One can see monkeys, cloths, parrots, toucans, caimans, turtles and other wildlife species here.
Art Museums
It is located in Sao Paulo and holds some of the best collections of fine arts. It displays the continent’s most comprehensive collection of western art.
It is the most fashionable and famous beach in Rio de Janeiro. It is just not a beach but a playground with sun worshipers, swimmers, and kids building sand castles whenever the weather is fine.
Featured Image: Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer)
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