Top Foods for Hair Growth
Everybody is very protective of their hair. It is because we consider our hair to be a part of our personality. There are few food items that can help you achieve your hair goals. So you must incorporate these food items in order to have a good hair growth. Following are the food items.
This is a fish that is full of vitamin D, protein and omega-3 fatty acids that helps in keeping the scalp healthy and thus helps in stronger hair growth.
Yellow Peppers
They contain vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the hair shaft and prevents breakage.
It is not the white portion of egg that helps, it’s the yolk. Yolk contains biotin which will make your hair grow.
Sunflower Seeds
These seeds supply lots of vitamin E which enhances blood flow to scalp and thus helps in faster hair growth.
Sweet Potatoes
They have lots of vitamin A which promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth too.
Due to their essential fatty acids, when applied to hair and scalp, they stimulate collagen and elastin production. This is turn helps in hair growth.
They contain high amounts of biotin due to which they can make your hair grow faster and thicker.
Deficiency of zinc can cause loss of hair and poor scalp conditions due to which you must consume oysters in order to have faster hair growth.

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