7 World Records of Bruce Lee
Formerly known by the ahem of Lee Jun-fan, Bruce Lee was a martial arts instructor as well as an actor, director and a philosopher. He was born in Chinatown, San Francisco in 1940 and raised in Kowloon till his late teens. He also held dual nationality in Hong Kong and the US. He is known for changing the way Asians were presented by the American films. His roles in five feature films have been appreciated the most—The Big Boss (1971), Fist of Fury (1972), Way of the Dragon (1972), Enter the Dragon (1973) and The Game of Death (1978).
He was trained in the art of Wing Chun and later, he combined it with other influences. Being a Martial Artist, Bruce Lee won many records. He was praised by many top fighters in the sixties. The 7 world records of Bruce Lee are as follows.
- Bruce Lee has been the only human who could break a 45KG sandbag only by side kicking.
- He produced 1600 pounds of force only with the help of Num-chakus.
- He could punch about nine times in just one second and his One-Inch Punch could easily force a 75 KG opponent 5-6 meters away.
- Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali had the same pouching power of about 350 pounds even though Lee weighed only 130 pounds which is half of Ali’s weight.
- Lee could easily kick six times in just one second and his signature move of “Skip Sidekick” had the capacity to push a 200 pounds’ man 20 meters away.
- According to the present data, Lee could, in one go, do 1500 pushups with both hands, 400 with one hand, 200 with two fingers and 100 with just the thumb.
- He also holds the world record for kicking a 135 kg sandbag to a 5-meter high ceiling.
Bruce Lee later died in Kowloon Tong at the age of 32 on July 20, 1973.

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