10 Lesser Known Facts About The Titanic
Titanic is known all worldwide as a British ship that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean. The ship was under the command of Captain Edward Smith who unfortunately died as the ship sank. The tragedy was discovered about 70 years later in 1985. Some of the lesser-known facts about The Titanic are as follows.
- Dorothy Gibson was a star of the silent-screen films at that time. After surviving the wrecking of the ship, Gibson did not only tell the tale but also starred in the movie. It was one of the most successful silent movies ever created.
- The Captain of the ship was Edward John Smith who was a 37 years old veteran. He served the White Star Line for about 28 years but still wasn’t the best man to hand this job. Even though he had spent an entire life manning sail ships and old steamers, he wasn’t quite ready to handle a full-fledged ship. This was made clear when he asked the crew to remain at full speed in the area which is known for the unpredictability of icebergs.
- It has been well recorded that out of all the passengers only 713 survived. however, what is still less known if the fact that out of the 713 passengers, three were dogs—a Pekinese and two Pomeranians?
- It has been noted that the distressed calls by the Titanic were heard by none of the ships nearby. The SS Californian was about eight to fifteen miles away but the captain stated that they had already turned on the radio for the night.
- Even though the ship was surrounded by water, there were really no proper showers. People had to share old bathtubs. The third class passengers had to share two baths, one for the men while one for the women among 700 people.
- The most senior officer of the Titanic to survive was the 2nd Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller. He took control and ensured a safe passage to the 30 passengers in his boat. He is also known for helping the British Navy, in World War 1 and World War 2, to evacuate Dunkirk in the second war.
- There were eight members of the all-male Titanic orchestra which went down playing the instruments. Three bodies were recovered including that of John Hume Law. Two weeks after the tragedy took place, Law’s father received a bill of the uniform his son wore.
- There has been no footage of Titanic leaving the shores and hence, when the news came out, the media did not have any images of the ship and therefore, used the images of Olympic (sister ship of Titanic).
- The Titanic was used as a publicity stunt by the Nazis which was commissioned by the Joseph Goebbels. It has been interpreted that a vessel tried to cross the Atlantic in record time. But it has been stated that in real life, Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee spotted the iceberg.
- The second Officer David Blair had been replaced by Henry Wilde from the crew’s list only a few days before the departure. He forgot to give the keys to the locker where the binoculars were kept. If only Fleet had the binoculars, the icebergs could have been spotted way earlier and the shop would have been saved.

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