10 Lesser Known Facts About Harry Potter
The following are some of the lesser known facts about Harry Potter,
- Dementors aren’t loyal to any being and only follow who can provide them with what they need. The ministry of Magic did so by placing them at Azkaban where they can feed off people easily.
- Harry, Ron and Hermione are all featured on chocolate frog cards for their accomplishments, and like Dumbledore, Ron finds this to be his greatest achievement.
- Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald the same year Hitler was defeated (1945). Grindelwald is considered the wizard version of Hitler. Many people find parallels between World War 2 and the Voldermort side of the Harry Potter plot.
- JK Rowling has stated that no death eater besides Severus Snape could produce a patronus.
- In order to acquaint himself with the trio, director Alfonso Cuaron had each of them write an essay about their characters. Emma Watson wrote a 16- page essay, Daniel Radcliffe wrote a simple one-page paper, and Rupert Grint never ever turned it in.
- James Potter always suspected that Snape loved Lily, and it was one of the reasons for his behaviour towards Snape. If Snape hadn’t been so interested in the dark arts Lily would have ended up with him instead of James.
- The Hogwarts school motto is “Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus” which is Latin for ‘never tickle a sleeping dragon.’
- Ginny becomes a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies for several years, but retires to be the senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
- Along with the help of Hermione Granger, Kingsley Shacklebot managed to abolish pro-pureblood laws.
- The Marauder’s map, his wand and the cloak of invisibility are Harry’s only remaining treasures from his time at Hogwarts. He never gave the marauders map to anyone, but James Sirius Potter stole it out of his desk.
Featured Image: Harry Potter
Featured Image Credit: Heyday Films and 1492 Pictures

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