What is World Autism Awareness Day?
Known to be one of the most disturbing disorders in the world, Autism deals with the developmental issues that a person faces. It includes not being able to have normal social interaction, and a restricted as well as repetitive attitude. The signs can be noticed in the early years while the child is still two or three years old.
Celebrated each year on the 2nd of April, is World Autism Awareness Day that focuses on spreading awareness about the issue. This day is recognised internationally due to the efforts of the United Nations. This came up when United Nations General Assembly encouraged its member states to take up any measures possible to spread awareness for Autism. The resolution was passed on November 1, 2007 and adopted on the 18th of December, 2007.
This was proposed by the representative of Qatar in the United Nations, Her Highness SheikhaMozahBint Nasser Al- Missned. The proposal was accepted and came into action with the sole purpose of improving the human rights condition. This has resulted in a more advanced research in this field.
Out of the four main health-specific days that UN observes, World Autism Day is one of the most important. Many organizations come together to aid in fields like research, treatment, diagnosis and moreover, its awareness.
The first Autism Awareness Day was celebrated on 2nd April, 2008 and was hosted by the many UN branches all around the world. The most highlighted event was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. There are various events like the panel discussion which is sponsored by Qatar, the members responsible for this resolution, World Health Organization and Autism Speaks which is an NGO which sponsors research and spreads awareness about the same.

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